Friday, April 13, 2012

Hi Guys,
I just saw Joshua Jay perform Threesome. (Vanishing Inc magic)
I see, for this illusion, he has setup a small table with what appears to be 20 to 30 people attending.
I attended Steve Cohen's show in New York and learned some valuable lessons there as well as
being completely entertained.

As I continue studying Magic, I'm discovering more and more ways an Entertainer can create a  wonderful
experience brought on by the Parlor Show. I have such books from David Stone and "Maximum Entertainment" that I have read a few times each at least.

What I'm doing is creating a parlor show for home and rented rooms.
I'd expect 20 to 40 people.
I see the setup and presentation that Joshua, Bancheck, Green and others have used in this venue and
I'd be interested if anyone has some recommendation on books and/or videos on strictly (or mostly)
targeted toward the Parlor presentations.

In my mind's eye I see many different ways to put on the show.
As I practice my coins (cards and others are coming) and build my parlor character I'd like some choices that others have experimented with that work for them and how they have orchestrate their show.

Any ideas are appreciate.
Thanks for reading now back to practicing my Barkley Productions :)


Kolisar said...

While I know you know this, other readers may not be familiar with his work. I would like to suggest to your readers that, for elegance in Parlor Magic, and performances in general, I would recommend studying the work of MIchael Vincent ( His performances are elegant, and professional. His mannerisms are natural and he does a good job at structuring the entire show. If your readers do explore Michael's work, they will learn that he is certainly a "thinker" in the world of magic. He has reasons for the things that he does and it is evident in his performances.
I would suggest his The Tapestry of Deception series.

Stephanie Beach said...

Agreed Michael.
My plan is to next follow up with Card Illusions and Michael Vincent (whom we both met at SamCon 114) is probably the perfect person to continue my Magic pursuits with.
Aaron Fisher is also a likely candidate but Mr Vincent has DVD training material better suited for me.