Monday, April 02, 2012

My beloved Patrick said that, like a good musician, i should take one small piece and practice it until it is perfect. And no more than an hour for each practice session.Build on the routines a little at a time.After an hour go play with the magic.
Each practice session should have a review of the previous lesson and then move on to the next provided the previous session is mastered. Once a week, i should have my hour teacher lesson which will be reviewing the video parts i am working in.
Gawd i love this life and country!

That is what i am going to do with Eric Jones'Metal.
once i master that i will decide which part of the art is next.
I am going to list all the routines, video without practice, practice and when i feel good about the piece, re-film.
This will be a sort of blog and youtube experience for me.
I love coin magic and there are so many little nuances to it.
I hope to share these with anyone reading.

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