OK so after many long years of being 'out of the magic spotlight' I've spent about $300 at http://ellusionist.com and picked up their DVDs. Excellent stuff.
I'll see if I can attach a video to this blog but it's pretty cool.
I had a dream last night that I was in a restaurant and this kid, probably about 19, was trying to do table magic but not doing well. He was 'hidding' the cards and not performing his tricks well. Guess it was me projecting.
TO keep from that I've been practicing at least 20 min a day. usually at the stop lights on rt2 on the way to work. Beep 3 times real quick if you see me. I'm in a Saturn Silver Vue with the coolest (GO PATS) NE Patriots license plate. 1865!!! One of the FIRST. Yea Me!!!
So anyway, The Pass is giving me some trouble. I'm working on it but the guy at Ellusionist is really fast and so excellent.
Back to practicing. Wish me luck and hope to see you on the "Ambitious Card Routine" forum soon.