First, I want to share my favorite card game. It's called: Panamanian Crazy 8's. Here's the story.
Back in the early 70's, my friend Gary Kadet and I would play this game that, allegedly, came to the states from two Panamanians trying to introduce a new card game. It seems that is worked since UNO is now popular. But Panamanian Crazy 8's (PC8), is a much more evil and fun game in my opinion.
Here is how it is played.First, you take 3 of more decks of regular playing cards. Combine two of them and from the other decks take out the "Power cards". And support cards. So, in essence you will have a very thick deck of cards with lots of 10 Diamonds (10D), jack of Clubs (JC), a bunch of 2's, 4's, jokers, ace's and any other cards you want. We put in 10C and JD. These support play. When you get to play the game you will see.
So this is just like crazy 8's.
You deal 'x' cards then turn one over. That card is now played to your opponent whom is to your left just as if the game had been going on forever and you just laid a card on him. (Important later as we will see)
Your opponent then must do one of the following:
1) Play an 8 which changes the suit
2) Play a card the same suit as the card turned over
3) Play a card the same value (king on king, 3 on 3) as the card turned over
4) pick up
When someone goes out, the opponents add up their cards (Face cards count 10)
And then play for a certain number of hands. Low score wins.
That's the basics of Crazy 8's.
NOW when we introduce PC8, we introduce "Power Cards".
These cards are:
Ace - 30 points. Go again and optionally change direction of play
2 - 20 points. If you throw a 2, your opponent must throw a 2 or pick up 2.
If they throw a 2, them the next person in line must throw a
2 or they pick up 4. This keeps going until someone does not have
a 2 to play. We've seen 10 cards picked up by someone at one time.
We have about ten 2's in our deck. No one knows for sure anymore.
4 - 40 points. Go again
8 - 60 points. You can lay this down on almost any card expect a 2, 10D or JC.
You then change the suit to whatever you want.
10D - 150 points. Just like the 2 except that your opponent picks up 6. You should
have at least 3 10D in your deck
JC - 100 points. Just like the 2 & 10D except you pick up 4. We have about 5 JC in
our deck
Joke -100 points. You have to put this down with another card. It can not be played
on a 2, 10d or Jc. When you put this down, you then put another
card down and the new suit to follow is that second card. GREAT for
tricky your opponents when you have two cards left.
Lam's revenge
- 200 Points. There is only 1 of these cards. I can't emphazise that enough.
This card can ONLY be played if someone throws a 2, 10d or Jc
on you. Then you play Lam's revenge and the play simply skips
right by you. So if some person played a 10d, then the next played
a 10d to you, unless you had another 10d or Lam's revenge, you
would pick up 12. But with Lam's revenge, you put on a smug
expression, casually lay down the card and the person next to you
now gets the pain. They either play a 10d and pass the play or
pick up.
Seany's Sniper
- 200 Points. This is an interesting card, straight from a game that Seany and
I play whenever we visit each other's house. The card can only
be used with a 2, 10D or JC. You put the sniper card down along
with one a 2, 10D or JC and point to ANY other player. That 'evil'
card (2, 10D or JC) is now 'on them'. Play resumes from the player
who got Sniper'ed. So, you can do this to someone next to you or
across the table.
Other rulesDirectionThe direction starts clockwise. But the ace can change direction so keep a little
marker or something to remind you. Deal is always to your left and never changes.
The DealIn the original game, your first hand had 10 cards. Your second hand has 9, then 8 and so forth all the way down to 0 where you simply scrambled the cards all over the table, picked up one each and the 'dealer' turned on over to start the play.
Then you went from 1 back to 10 cards. Low score won.
We now deal like this.
If it is your deal, then you can deal from 1 to 10 cards. Your choice.
Game is over when everyone has dealt once.
Going OutYou go out when you put your last card(s) down. Then your opponents tally their score. It's fun when they get caught with a couple of 10D for 300 points.
You must say "Last Card" when you have only one card left in your hand or, if caught
you must pick one up.
You can NOT go out on a Joker. It must be played with another card.
(ps A joker can be played with another joker but you still need another card "to set the suit". So this means that Lam's Revenge can not be played with a joker.)You can NOT go out on a 4 or Ace. You can put the card down but must pick up.
No more cards to pick upYou will find that you have run out of cards to pick up. We have decided to just
keep playing unti no one can go or someone goes out. For those who really enjoy
long games, reshuffle the deck and continue.
Combo PlaysHere's an example of a good hand
The shown card is a 3H (3 of hearts)
Play a 4H to go again
Play an 4C to go again
Play an AC to go again and change direction
Play a 2C on your opponent.
(Sinister laugh)
The shown card is a 6D. You have 3 cards
Play a 6H
Play a Joker with a 10D and call "Out" (you don't have to call last card since you
never had only 1 card left in your hand.)
Taunt your opponent as they pick up 6....
Oh WaitHere is one special rule. IF you play an evil card on your opponent and you are out, you might still be in trouble.
Here is what could happen because, if you play a 2, 10d or Jc as your last card, AND
your opponent HAS the corresponding card, they put it down and the play passes to the
next player.
A 4 player gamePat : "Haha I'm putting down a Jc I'm out."
Susan : "Well well well I have Lam's revenge so I pass the play and oh yes, that
was my last card too. So pick up 4, David"
David : "I see (long pause) I have a Jc so haha pick up 8 Lam"
Lam : "Um so, if I put down this Jc, and since Pat has no more cards and
therefore can't counter this...Pat does what? Oh my (tauntingly)
you pick up 12! (Lots of giggles from Lam)"
Pat now picks up 12. And play would continue except that Susan is out.
SO,Pat, whom thought he was out, now has to count 12 cards to his total score.
Questions on rules? Have you played before? We play 2 or more times a month in the spring and summer. The games are lots of fun and very evil.
Our players are nowKimmie: My Darling Daughter. She sits there, batting her eyelashes. All them
men simply do what she wants as she hypnotizes them to their doom.
"Who Me? ;-)"
Patrick: Silent and deadly. He just sits there acting innocent and before you
know it *WHAM* you've lost to him.
David: Thoughtful and yet deeply sinister
Lam: Just LOVES this game *giggle*
James: Pat's son - 15 - Very good sport but takes a beating
Sean: Pat's other son - 14 - Very outspoken. Get's beaten real bad at times. Wants
us to introduce a phaser into the game. Good sport though
Steph: The hostess and ME. Extrovert. Sinsiter and evil.
Nancy: Quiet time....she wins alot
Susan: Innocent Susan...just LOVES to play Joker-2 or Joker-10D to really nail you.
That's about it.